Friday, September 17, 2010

Please Pray - Micheal Tigs September 15 at 3:25pm

Micheal Tigs September 15 at 3:25pm

Have been as well to the village and John who is one of the resident at this village has begun on the work of digging the pit latrine at our site and once this is done, we will start to put up temporaly class rooms for the pre-school to start next year as planned.

There is so much to be done here and it is our prayer that God enables you to come and visit soon, then you will be exposed to so much and see the great need with your eyes in the physical.

It is a burden heavily placed on our hearts and praying for provision for the projects below. Please pray.

1- Building a home for 12 orphans.
2- Building a primary school
3- Building a community medical clinic
4- Digging a bore hole for water source
5- Buying a Children,s Van
6- Food store for the community etc.