Sunday, June 23, 2013

Congratulations to the 
winner of the Sidney Crosby Jersey ...
Andrew Keating of Guelph, Ontario
From the children of Bugembe, Uganda
Thank You to
Junior Gryphons Peewee AA & Guelph Novice AA
in a collaborative effort fundraiser for kids hockey in Canada 
and education for children in Uganda
$1 500 was raised for Guelph Hockey and $2 500 for Uganda

In keeping with the goals of building sustainability instead of dependability, the money raised from the sale of tickets will be distributed as follows:

50% will repay a loan for the purchase of a plot of land, where a church and community gathering place was built.  The community and the pastor no longer have to pay rental fees.

25% will be attributed to produce crops for food and purchase food supplies.  This helps avoid the dependency on international aid and helps contribute to the local economy.

All remaining funds will be allocated directly for school fees.  1 school term costs $30 per child.  School Term (3 months), 1 uniform & 1 meal per day.  This keeps them protected from child labor and educated for the future.

Thank you for your incredible support in helping these children and families,
Dennis & Stephanie Devey (Canada)                          
Michael and Sharon Kamya (Uganda)

Special thanks to: Guelph Rotary Trillium and of course.......Sidney Crosby :)

Friday, June 14, 2013

More challenges for the poor...

This article describes one if the reasons the poor continue to struggle.  In a country where the people need to rebuild, the government continues to penalize its people.

@International Business Times Uganda Asks Mobile Users To Pay Up After Foreign Donors Pull Back

@International Business Times